Before you register as a mentor for MentorMe Kenya, please commit to the following:

Hereby, I confirm that I’m capable of taking time for monthly mentoring sessions with my future mentee for a minimum of 1 hour per month from the start of my mentoring sessions till the end of the mentoring program in May 2023.

MentorMe Kenya runs from May 2022 to May 2023.

If you do so, you can create your mentor profile on our matching platform now.

Keep our goals in mind!

Mentors and mentees should be aware of the mentoring goals of MentorMe Kenya and focus on those during the mentoring.

The goals are the following: MentorMe Kenya and its mentoring sessions are supposed to help job seekers to find decent jobs and to support owners and mangers to enhance business capacities of their business.

Job seekers
should find new jobs and improve their job situation. They will get new decent jobs, see their income increase and/or improve their working conditions (on social security, work health, safety standards, labour rights and/or work processes).

Owners and managers of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) should enhance their business capacities. They will see their businesses stabilize or grow in areas such as gross turnover, access to a value chain, sector specific standards, creation of new jobs, business partnerships and access to funding and financial help.

We are looking forward to having you and to all the magic you will create as a mentor!