Growing up abroad
15Dez19:0020:00Growing up abroad Community Event: Abroad

Becoming & being a parent means we constantly face challenges and apply learnings. Being abroad, as usual, adds some spices on top of that. Raising kids abroad means factors such
Becoming & being a parent means we constantly face challenges and apply learnings. Being abroad, as usual, adds some spices on top of that. Raising kids abroad means factors such as language, friends, family, institutions, norms, differ – and depending on where you are and where you come from, A LOT – from what you expected or imagined. Angela Schreiner, certified social worker, cross-cultural trainer and author of several books, will bring some light on what it means for kids to grow up with different identities and the implications that has for us parents.
An diesem Event können teilnehmen:
*Aktive Mentees
*Registrierte Mentor*innen (auch Mentor*innen, die noch nicht gematcht sind)
*Alumna-Mentees (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
*Externe, die nicht Mitglied der MentorMe-Community sind (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
(Donnerstag) 19:00 - 20:00