Mastermind Round: Auto-Employment
28Nov19:0020:30Mastermind Round: Auto-Employment Community Event: Abroad

This is an active and dynamic group call where participants share as much as they feel about their way and struggles of becoming and being independent abroad, including starting as
This is an active and dynamic group call where participants share as much as they feel about their way and struggles of becoming and being independent abroad, including starting as a freelancer or building their scalable business. The group will respond, and we will get our answers from the experience shared by the other participants.
An diesem Event können teilnehmen:
*Aktive Mentees
*Registrierte Mentor*innen (auch Mentor*innen, die noch nicht gematcht sind)
*Alumna-Mentees (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
*Externe, die nicht Mitglied der MentorMe-Community sind (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
(Montag) 19:00 - 20:30