Communication in intercultural contexts

31Aug00:0013:00Communication in intercultural contextsMentorMe Special


Communicating appropriately and successfully sometimes doesn’t work so well at home. Imagine you are talking to people who have completely different expectations of communication and behavior in general. The chance of misunderstanding is enormous. To avoid missteps and keep them small, there is intercultural communication. In the Lunch&Learn session, our expert Konstanze Halentz Barros tells us what the basics are for successful communication across different contexts. She draws on years of experience in bi- and multilateral project and stakeholder management, having lived abroad for 15 years and currently preparing her fifth culture shock. 


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*Aktive Mentees
*Registrierte Mentor*innen (auch Mentor*innen, die noch nicht gematcht sind)


(Mittwoch) 00:00 - 13:00