Cyber Security
09Aug19:0020:00Cyber SecurityCommunity Event: Digitalisierung & IT

We are all aware of the risks in the “real” world and keen on protecting ourselves, our homes, as well as our businesses and employers and we all take a vital
We are all aware of the risks in the “real” world and keen on protecting ourselves, our homes, as well as our businesses and employers and we all take a vital part in the virtual world, increasingly interactive and connected across systems, networks, and borders – in private and in business. Are we all aware of the risks, the mechanisms to protect against these risks and the techniques to fight against attacks? These are precisely the fundamental issues that Sandra Ranig deals with as a cyber security manager at the management consultancy Deloitte.
An diesem Event können teilnehmen:
*Aktive Mentees
*Registrierte Mentor*innen (auch Mentor*innen, die noch nicht gematcht sind)
*Alumna-Mentees (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
*Externe, die nicht Mitglied der MentorMe-Community sind (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
(Dienstag) 19:00 - 20:00