How to become a web-developer

19Sep19:0020:00How to become a web-developerCommunity Event: Tech Community


Do you consider changing your career and becoming a web-developer? Edith Chevallier, front-end developer at ArtNight made this choice in 2019 after working in online marketing for several years. In this session she will share how she managed this inspiring but challenging journey that requires discipline, humility, resilience and self care. Learn what helped her during her web development boot camp, the job application process afterwards and her first years in the new job. Join our talk if you’re thinking about taking this step yourself and ask Edith your questions about this journey.

An diesem Event können teilnehmen:

*Aktive Mentees
*Registrierte Mentor*innen (auch Mentor*innen, die noch nicht gematcht sind)
*Alumna-Mentees (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
*Externe, die nicht Mitglied der MentorMe-Community sind (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)


(Montag) 19:00 - 20:00