Money Talk: Investing

18Jan19:0020:15Money Talk: InvestingCommunity Event: Gründerinnen


Women face many issues when it comes to their financial lives. Hence taking care of your own financial journey and well-being is crucial for each woman more than ever. As women the topic of money in investing can be intimidating and scary, so that we leave it last on the priority list.  This is why MentorMe & Investors Abroad bring you this personal finances and investing workshop, so you discover where to start your own financial journey! It is time to power up your money game! For over a year Marcela has educated and empowered immigrants – expats living in Europe to build strong financial futures by becoming investors. She is the founder of Investors Abroad, a platform to talk about money, finances and investing. It serves as a space to educate, inspire and shade some light on the investing topic when living abroad.

An diesem Event können teilnehmen:

*Aktive Mentees
*Registrierte Mentor*innen (auch Mentor*innen, die noch nicht gematcht sind)
*Alumna-Mentees (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)
*Externe, die nicht Mitglied der MentorMe-Community sind (gegen Eventgebühr – siehe Anmeldeformular via Typeform)


(Dienstag) 19:00 - 20:15